Thursday, December 29, 2011

Looking forward...

I can't believe this year is just about over!  It has definitely been a year full of trials and blessings...trials that turned into blessings.  I recently came across a 'Note' that I wrote on my facebook after Ben was let go from his job last year.  It was dated 12/29/10 (which was 2 days after he was fired)...

"My faith has grown so much over the past couple of years.  I used to be a worrier.  I used to stress and get emotional over every little thing that went wrong.  And that's just it, it went wrong...if it wasn't what WE had planned, then it was wrong and scary.  I always knew that God is in control and deep down I knew that it would all be okay.  But still for some reason I always doubted and I always thought of the worst possible scenarios.  But as time has passed and I have grown in my walk with God, I have found myself knowing that things always work out for God's plan. That He has never failed me and promises never to. 

So now I can say without any hesitation that after Ben was unexpectedly "let go" from his job on Monday that we are going to be okay.  More than okay, we are counting this as a huge blessing! 

A few years ago if this would've happened, I know I would be a wreck right now.  Not knowing what the future holds, not knowing how our family is going to be provided for.  Just not knowing. 

Here's a little back story to how life has been for us since Ben started work at RAC...
    If you don't already know, Ben worked for RAC for over 8 years...he got hired a month before we got married.  They have always required their employees be scheduled a minimum of 50 hours a week.  He moved up to management level pretty quickly, which was just more demanding of his time.  Which was more time away from his family.  He has always worked from 8 or 9am until at least 8 or 9pm, five days a week (which included every Saturday).  We have always eaten dinner as a family when Ben got home from work at around 9 or 10 pm.  So of course our kids have always stayed up at night until around 11pm (even on school nights) so that they could have at least an hour with their Daddy every night before bed. 
When Brayden started t-ball last year for the first time, Ben had to sneak out from work early every game night so that he could catch the last 10-15 minutes of his games. 
Not to mention how stressful, mentally and physically demanding it was.  Poor Ben, that's all I can say.
I used to beg him to search for other jobs so that we had him home more and so that our kids could have more of a normal schedule.  But when he's been with this job for so long and it pays the bills so well, it is scary to leave and not know if anything different will work out or not. And of course, when would he ever have the time.

I have prayed almost every night for years now that God would do something with Ben's job.  That he would open doors and that something would change so that we could be happier as a family.  I believe that God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, and Lord knows that we both have desired this change for some time now! 
That's why we are believing that this is a huge blessing for our family!  We know that God will provide for us and that he has something so much better in store for our family.  This has to be the answer to my prayers, finally!  We don't know what the future holds, but we know that it will all work out according to His perfect plan.

Psalm 37:3-5

Ben told me today that he hasn't felt this good in a very long many people can say that after just being fired from their job.  ;)

Thank you everyone who have offered their prayers and kind words, it means a lot.  And if anyone knows of any great jobs out there...we are all ears!"

It's amazing to me how we had no clue what was next for us.  But we had faith and God provided so much more than we could have imagined!  

After much prayer and moving around, God opened a door and we came to Gainesville.  We have gotten so much confirmation that we are where God wants us!  We are so unbelievably happy and blessed.  I can honestly say that this has been the best thing that has happened to this family.  
We have grown so much already and are continuing to grow together as a family and together in God.  
This wife and mommy can't imagine being more happier than I am right now!
I just can't wait to see what 2012 holds for us!!  I have a feeling that it is going to be a GREAT year!!

 Happy New Year everyone and God bless!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Work in Progess...

It has been a while since I've blogged.  I think I got a bit discouraged since my last blog post, only at myself though.  I think I got carried away and didn't really look at what I was doing.  

I'm a firm believer that pushing your own convictions on other people is very counter-productive and not an effective way to reach others.  But I think I recently, not intentionally, did that very thing in my last blog post about Halloween.  When I started out writing that post, my intentions were to inform. 
Obviously, I personally want nothing to do with Halloween.  I feel strongly about that, but I know tons of other Christians feel completely different.  I really just wanted to share and inform, but I know that my post was not written in the most effective way.  I used a lot of quotes that I found and really liked...I thought they were great, but I didn't think about how other people might take it.

I honestly really feel like we should all do our best to research and pray about every matter and then, with the Holy Spirit's help, decide for ourselves if it is something that we should or should not be doing or participating in (and how that might effect our personal walk with Christ).  Because everyone's relationship and walk is different.

I grew up in a church that was FULL of a lot of ridiculous rules.  Rules that really were not Biblical at all, just stuff that, in my opinion were personal convictions being taught from the pulpit.  
I was taught that if we didn't follow these rules and do what was considered 'right' in their eyes then we were living in sin, "backsliding", and needed to have some serious 'altar time'.  
Then of course there was always tons of judgements and talking amongst the congregation as to if 'so and so' was living by the guidelines.  There was a knew "heathen" to talk about each week.  
You can only imagine how difficult that was as a teenager trying to find her way in life.  It left me very hurt and confused.  
When I finally left that church I ran from those rules and from God.  It took me a few years to find my way back to Him.  When I finally did, I really didn't know right from wrong anymore.  Because of what I was taught I didn't know what to believe or even who I was.  When I started going to a different church (same denomination) I couldn't understand why things were so very different there.  
It was very difficult for me and took me a good while to find the truth for myself.  

My point here is that I never want to be someone who forces my personal feelings or convictions onto anyone.  I know how destructive that can be.  I know that some things might be considered a temptation to someone, but not to the next person.  Anything can be turned into an idol or an addiction, that's where our faith and help from God really comes into play.  
It really all depends on your personal strengths, weaknesses, and your walk with God.  So when we feel strongly that we shouldn't participate in certain things, that doesn't mean that everyone else who serves God shouldn't participate too.  I think that if we are seeking God and want His will, then He will let us know what is right and wrong for our lives.  The only thing we have to do is search His word, really pray about it, and be open to Him. 

I am still a work in progress, as we all are.  The reason why I started blogging was to somehow grow in my personal walk and maybe even help others along the way.  I think that this is a big lesson for myself. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

As for me and my house...(some Halloween truth)

I just want to start out by saying that I am NOT writing for any one specific person. 
I know a lot of people that take their kids out on Halloween to trick or treat, but do not have one specific person in mind when writing this.  
This is just a subject that I feel passionate about and wanted to share my thoughts.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord...and teach our children all truths about this world, including halloween.  This should be a no-brainer for Christians.   But unfortunately it is not.

- Celebrate: to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities
                     to make known publicly; proclaim
                     to observe a day or commemorate an event with ceremonies or festivities.
                     to perform a religious ceremony

I know a lot of people who say that they don't "celebrate" Halloween.  They dress their kids up in cute costumes and take them around a safe neighborhood to collect some candy.  They are not participating in anything evil and their intentions are good, so it's okay, right?  

Anton Lavey was the founder of the Church of Satan and the author of  'The Satanic Bible'.  Here is a quote of his out of 'The Satanic Bible'...
"After one's own Birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (6 months before Halloween) and Halloween."  

A quote from Tom Sanguinet, a former high priest in Wicca...
"The modern holiday that we call Halloween has its origins in the full moon closest to Nov. 1st, the witches new year.  It is a time when the spirits (demons) are supposed to be at their peak power and revisiting planet Earth.  Halloween is purely and absolutely evil, and there's nothing we ever have, or will do, to make it acceptable to the Lord Jesus."

Halloween was originally a deeply occultic pagan holiday and it remains so today.  It is a holiday that celebrates death and contacting the dead.  Nearly all of the "Halloween traditions" that are observed today have their roots in ancient pagan practices. 

In the Middle Ages, the Catholics tried to "Christianize" these practices, but the truth is that when you put a pig in a dress it is still a pig.

On Halloween night, once again this year there will be Satanic rituals held all over the world, there will be animal sacrifices to various "gods" and there will even be human sacrifices.

Halloween has always been one of the biggest days of the year for those involved in Wicca, witchcraft and Satanism.

Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should regard that day as special?

Origins of 'Treat or Treat':
To obtain sacrifices offered to spirits and the god of the dead, druid priests would go from house to house asking for fatted calves, black sheep, and human beings.  Those who gave were promised prosperity, and those who refused to give were threatened and cursed.  

Every time your child chants 'Trick of Treat', he/she is repeating an age old pagan festival.  He/she is partaking in an age old pagan festival of death.

Origins of 'Jack-o-Lantern':
They served as a signal to mark those farms and homes that supported the druids' religion and thus were seeking the "treat" when the terror of Halloween began.  
The World Book Encyclopedia says:
"The apparently harmless lighted pumpkin face of the Jack-o-lantern is an ancient symbol of a damned soul."

Dance of Death:
While people and animals were screaming in agony, being burnt to death, the druids and their followers would dress in costumes made of animal skins and heads.  They would dance and jump in the hopes of warding off the 'evil' spirits that were coming.  This is where wearing of costumes was originated. 

A woman by the name of Carol Kornacki practiced witchcraft for over 6 years.  She is now an Evangelical Christian.  Here is an excerpt from her blog:

"Halloween.  A nice innocent holiday celebrated by the masses?  I don't think so!  Everything about the holiday is death and darkness.

I practiced witchcraft for six years.  I can personally tell you that the night of October 31st was one of the highest celebrated of the year.  It is the night of "Samhein the god of the dead."  It is believed that on this night, Diana the goddess of fertility goes to sleep and the grim reaper, Samhein would awake.  He would summon the spirits of the nether world to come up and torment the farmers and the peasants that lived in Britain at the time. 

The Druids, a blood drinking priesthood would dress up in ghoulish costumes and roan the countryside threatening the villagers that, if they did not produce a virgin by midnight of the 31st they would cause havoc, the cows would not give their milk and the fields would not produce their crops.  (Hence, the costumes and the mantra "trick or treat" that our children utter as the collect their candies)  That night a carved squash would be placed on the front porch of the victim's home with a piece of human fat burning inside.  That's where we get our carved pumpkins.  A hexagram would be placed on the front door in blood.  During the night there would be fear in the hearts of the farmers. 

It is believed by those who practice witchcraft that, on Halloween night the veil between the living and the dead is thinner so spirit travel and necromancy, (communication with the dead) is practiced hardily.  Bone fires, (what we refer to as bonfires) were also big.  Humans would be burnt alive in wicker baskets offered to the god of the dead.  Apple dunking was considered divination.  Skeletons, black spiders, bats, ghosts, spirits, death, and horror are all part of the celebration of the "Night of Death"!

In modern times the holiday has changed little.  Let's look at it realistically.  First of all it is a known fact that animal shelters will do an early and complete lockdown because animals are stolen, usually found sacrificed.  The candy that our precious children collect will have to be closely investigated due to the tampering that goes on.  Razors, poison, and other evil goodies have been reported every year.  How pitiful!!  In some wooded area's blood will be found from some unfortunate victim.  It is a fact that it is a night of orgies.  You would be surprised how seriously those who practice Satanism view this night.  Come on folks let's be real.  Isn't there enough death and darkness in the world today?  

Aren't our precious children seeing enough?  Should those who are Christians be more protective of their loved one?  Shouldn't we find an alternative?  I HAVE SAID IT MORE THEN ONCE, I WILL GLADLY SAY IT AGAIN, YOU DON'T SEE WITCHES SHOWING UP ON CHRISTMAS TO CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF OUR WONDERFUL SAVIOR, SO WHY DO WE CELEBRATE THE NIGHT OF DEATH FOR THE GOD OF DEATH?"

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.

3 John 1:11
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

As Christians we should be living our lives with God on our minds at all times.  In everything we do, we should be asking ourselves if it is pleasing to Christ.  

*Can you actually with a clear mind after reading these things say that God doesn't mind???*

I know that a lot of Christians think it's okay because they don't participate in any of the evil aspects of this holiday, but the fact remains that the soul purpose in which this 'holiday' was created is to glorify Satan.  This day is the highest holiday to many Wiccans and Satanists still today and they still perform those same ancient satanic rituals.  So why as Christians, who follow and love Jesus Christ, want ANYTHING to do with this day?  

You can not redeem Halloween.  It is a day of celebration that comes from darkness and evil 4,000 years old.

I think a lot of people choose to take their kids trick or treating or participate in Halloween to some level, simply because they want to.  We need to start putting Christ first and thinking about what is pleasing to Him and not what is pleasing to us. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Life is good and only getting better...

Life is becoming pretty busy for us here in Gainesville.  But we can finally say, with all the craziness, we definitely feel like we are HOME! 

The kids are busy at school and church.  They love their school and have homework due every night instead of once a week like they did at their old school.  They are involved at church every Wednesday for the children's Christmas musical.  They are really excited about that.  They also have a lot of fun activities and get togethers coming up with their small groups in Children's church.  

Mikayla has a play that the 3rd grade class is going to be putting on at school.  She is a sheep in 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' and has a small speaking part.  She is also getting a pen pal from South Korea and is super excited about that. 
Brayden is doing sooo good in school and is looking forward to t-ball starting in the Spring.  He wants to join football and basketball too, but we don't want to put too much on his/our plates at once. 
Aslyn is enjoying Mommy time (for now) while the kids are at school.  We are trying to get her to try out the Toddler class at church, but so far she has not wanted to stay.  So she sits in with us, for now.  

Ben is doing really well at work and is starting to see positive changes at his branch. 
He just recently started playing bass full time on the worship team at our church on Sundays.  God really opened the doors for him to get involved right away.  The opportunity really just fell in his lap!  It is a huge answer to prayer because Ben was really worried that he wouldn't have the opportunity to be involved in music at a bigger church.  He is really loving it and enjoys being able to learn and be pushed to grow.  His playing has already improved so much in such a short amount of time. 

Ben and I are involved in a class every Wednesday that is for newcomers of the church.  It is basically a class that they offer for anyone who wants to learn more about the church and what they are all about.  Helps people to get more plugged into the church and everything they have to offer.  After we are done with that, then we will be joining a microchurch (small group) that meets once a week.  We are really excited about getting involved and seeing what God has in store for us.

I am currently working on a healthier me and through that, I have developed a new fondness for food and cooking.  Occasionally I will be posting some new yummy recipes that I try out.
My life also will become very busy in the next few months.  After a lot of prayer, discussion, research, prayer, thinking, and more prayer, we decided that I will be starting school in January.  I will be a full time student at Santa Fe College studying to get my Associates of Science degree in Health Services Management.  I'm super excited and one of the best parts is around the time I graduate, Aslyn will be starting kindergarten.  So I will be ready to either get out there and start a career or continue on to get my Bachelor's degree.  
I am still praying and searching for God to reveal to me that special way that I can serve Him better.

God is so good and our lives just seem to be falling nicely into place here in Gainesville!  Our Pastor told us in one of our Wednesday classes that they really just want people to feel like they belong there. 
That is exactly how Ben and I are starting to feel.  It's exciting for me because for so long I haven't felt like "I belong", and now, in such a short period of time that is changing.
Life is good and only getting better.

Take delight in the LORD,
   and he will give you the desires of your heart. ~ Psalm 37:4

So much has changed for us this year, but the biggest change has been our walk with Christ.  Our faith has grown tremendously, our focus has changed, our priorities.  We have grown so much.  God has done and is still doing a work in this family and it's amazing what happens when we allow Him to. 
I have said it before and I will continue to say it, because I think there are so many people that need to grasp it...
It is so incredible what happens when we pray for God's will to be done in our lives, but actually truly mean it

Friday, September 30, 2011

Those dang kids...


Always wanting SOMETHING

Always complaining

Always doubting

Always in need of correction

Always stumbling

Always trying to justify their actions

Always asking tons of questions

Always in need of a lesson

Always forgetting what they've been told

Always angry or upset when they don't get their way

Always disobeying

Always in need of me, even when they think they aren't.

Always talking-
Never listening

Never happy with, "because I said so"

Never careful of how they act or what they say in front of other people

Never wanting to put in the work to get the reward

Never thinking of others first

Never thinking of me first.

I wonder if this is how God sees His children (us) some times.  I know that my kids drive me nuts at times, but they are still just kids!  I wonder how disappointed God is with us when we are grown adults acting the way we act.  We are still just kids in the eyes of God.  I know that if God didn't have perfect patience then He would be so frustrated all the time with us.  He'd probably want to knock us right up side the head and yell, "what's the matter with you?!?"  Maybe He does in His own way...

Just something I was thinking about.  I strive to be more of an adult in the eyes of God.  I know that we are not perfect and we will probably always be "just kids", but the point is that we should always be trying. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Loving God, loving life...

I just wanted to start this blog by saying how absolutely amazing my God is! 

We are pretty much all settled in.  We love the town, our home, and the kids love their school.

We started going to a church that we are really enjoying.  There is so many things that we can become involved with and we are so excited to see what God has in store for us.  We are already seeing Him move with opportunities that are starting to come open, that we didn't think would be possible especially so soon!  So much is falling into place for us already.  I have felt for a long time that God has so much planned for my little family and I finally feel like we are on the right track. 

It is so amazing what happens when you begin to pray for God's will in every aspect of your life.  I mean, when you pray it and REALLY want it, and allow Him to move.  It's like a complete change in thought process.  It's incredible to see the changes and growth that is happening in this family.  I am so thankful and happy!  And to know that this is just the beginning is so unbelievably exciting! 

 "When you fully comprehend that there is more to life than just here and now, and you realize that life is just preparation for eternity, you will begin to live differently. You will start living in the light of eternity, and that will color how you handle every relationship, task, and circumstance. Suddenly, many activities, goals, and even problems that seemed so important will appear trivial, petty, and unworthy of your attention. The closer you live to God, the smaller everything else appears." - Rick Warren

That is exactly how I feel.  I have just come to a point in my life where I don't want anything that isn't what God has laid out for me.  I find myself CONSTANTLY asking for God's will to be done.  I only want what He wants for me and my family...everything else is pointless.  You know it's one thing to say that you want His will, but when you really truly mean it and give everything over to Him...everything changes.
Jeremiah 29:13 has a whole new meaning to me now...
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I've known that Bible verse ever since I was a little girl, but only now am I really beginning to understand what it really means.

I am just very thankful and excited right now for everything that God is doing.
I ask that you please continue to keep us in your prayers.  This is only the beginning of this chapter in our lives.  Please pray that we continue to stay in God's perfect will.
I am at a point right now where my goal is that in the very near future God will begin to use me in a special way to minister to others.  I am praying and seeking revelation in what He has planned for me personally.  Please pray that God's purpose will be revealed to me and that I will know exactly the best way to begin to serve Him better.

With all that being said, I've added a few new family photos that we recently shot...enjoy!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We have been at our new home in Gainesville for a little over a week now and have been so busy!
School started on Monday, so I have been running around trying to get the kids ready for that.  We have had a painter painting in our house for a week, not to mention other issues that have needed attention.  I haven't really had a minute to sit down and write.
So far we are really enjoying our new home.  We haven't really had the time yet to go out and explore the city too much.  But we are in a very nice area (away from the hustle and bustle of the college life) and the kids LOVE their new school...which has been one of my biggest fears!  Mikayla has been so nervous about starting a new school and that has made me nervous for her.  But both her and Brayden love their teachers and the school.  Thank you Lord!

We are going to be trying out a church this Sunday morning that we have heard a lot of great things about.  I am super excited!  But I have had a bit of a fear when it comes to finding a new church.  The church that we are coming from is so blessed with a lot of very gifted musicians...the worship there is awesome.  Worship is so very important to me and I know with Ben being a musician, it is very important to him too.  I have been worried that we won't find a church that has as good of worship that we have been so used to.

A few weeks ago we visited Ben's parent's church for the first time.  It is a small church...a work in progress.  There isn't a "worship team" there yet.  Instead they worship to music from a CD with one woman that sings on stage.  I have to admit, I had a very hard time getting into it.  I didn't even sing at first, even though I knew the songs.  Then I looked down at my 8 year old daughter.  She was singing her little heart out.  She looked up at me and gave me the biggest smile.  I immediately felt convicted.  My little girl was singing and worshiping our Lord, while her mother just stood there.  I then started singing right away and soon found that it wasn't that difficult for me after all.

After the service when we were in the car driving, Ben and I began talking about the service.  Ben said that he felt the same way that I did about having a hard time getting into the worship at first.  He felt convicted as well.  He said that he felt like he was putting conditions on his worship.  He told me that we should never have conditions on our worship.  We should be able to worship Christ anytime and in any situation!  How true.  We both agreed that we really need to remember that when we are looking for our new church.  It's amazing how God works and uses situations to teach us things.

 "Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to
discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our
richest and most wholesome experience in life." -
Graham Kendrick

On a side note...
I have to say that I got pretty emotional on our last Sunday at Bushnell Assembly of God.  I wasn't expecting to at all!  Our Pastor said some really nice things about us and our move.  But it wasn't until after church was over and we were driving home when it hit me.  I was posting a little thank you to Pastor Crane and Merit on facebook and just started crying.  I realized just how important these amazing people are to me and my family.  Pastor and Merit have been there for us since we were dating.  They did our marriage counseling.  Pastor C. married us and Merit was my stand in wedding coordinator.  They were there for all 3 of our baby's births.  Pastor went to Tampa to see my Dad when he had open heart surgery and prayed with him, even though my parents didn't go to our church.  We have always been able to call or email them for advice or encouragement.  We could not have asked for a better Pastor, mentor, counselor, and friend.  They have really been a part of our family and that is what made me get so emotional last Sunday.  We have been so blessed to have them in our lives.  But the best thing about them is that we know, even though we won't be going to their church anymore...we can still call or email if we ever need anything and they will be there for us!  Thank you Pastor Crane and Merit, we love you!

Okay, so now that I'm done with all the mushy stuff.  I hope to be writing again soon about our new town and adding some pictures!  Until then, please continue to keep us in your prayers as we still have a lot of adjustments and of course our search for our new church.  Thanks!

PS.  To get an email notification whenever I post a new blog, just click on the 'Join this Site' button to the right. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Reminder...

I don't have a whole lot to talk about this week.  We have been really busy looking for a house and getting everything in order for our move.  But I was thinking about this song that I really like and how powerful it spoke to me the first time I heard it several months ago.  I looked it up online and watched a video on the story that led to Phil Wickham writing this song.  The link to that video is here...

I believe that if we all get to that place and realize just how much we need God and really put all of our faith in Him...we would really see just how faithful He is.  I feel like that's what I have been through recently.

I have always loved Matthew 28:16-20, especially the very last part, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  It's one of the last promises that Jesus made while on this Earth.  (Hence, why I got my tattoo.)  This scripture always reminds me that no matter what, He is with me.  Even though we can't see Him or touch Him, He is with us...always.  Some times it's hard to remember that.  When we are going through trying times we start to doubt, but I have learned recently that if we remain faithful and truly give everything to God, then He will show up and in a big way.  Here is a better quality version of the song...hope you enjoy!  I should have much more to share next week after we are moved and getting settled. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let go and let God...

What a crazy year this has been!!  After moving (twice in two weeks) from our beloved small town to save money and be closer to Ben's job in Leesburg, we are once again going to be moving!  We have known for a few weeks that moving was a possibility, but we didn't know if or where, let alone in 2 months...until this morning when Ben was offered a Branch Manager position in Gainesville. 

I have talked about Ben losing his job 2 days after Christmas last year.  We knew that our lives were going to be changing, we just didn't know exactly how much change was in store for us.  We experienced a huge shift in us and our walk with God when Ben was out of work for almost 4 months.  It wasn't chaotic or a desperate time for us.  It was actually the opposite.  We had peace.  We gave it to God and just enjoyed our time together as a family.  We 'let go and let God'.  Of course Ben put in TONS of applications everywhere, but we didn't stress over it because we knew that God had a plan.  Finally after almost 4 months and about 50 applications, Ben got a job offer with Sunbelt Credit.  The pay was definitely less than what he was making before, but the hours are what we were really looking at.  We knew the moment that Ben was let go from RAC that we did NOT want to be back to him working 60+ hours a week!  So when offered the job with 42 hours a week, off no later than 6pm!  Yes, we'll take it!  Not only were the hours ideal, but they offered great benefits and great opportunity for advancement.  We prayed about it of course and since it was a little too coincidental that out of the many many job applications that he put in for, this was the one and ONLY call that he received.  We took that as a sign from God that this is where He wanted Ben.
Ben has been working with Sunbelt Credit for just shy of 5 months.  His boss wanted to hire him as a Manager in Waiting but since he was 'fired' from RAC they could only hire him in as an Assistant.
Ben's boss was very impressed with him and told him that if he proved himself to be what his past experience showed him to be, then he would move up very quickly.  So we knew when we moved to Leesburg, that it would only be temporary.  We knew that it wouldn't be long until Ben would move up in the company and become a manager.  We also knew that would mean a move for us.  Because when a branch comes open in the company, it is usually not close by.  But a positive to us having to move is that the company pays for EVERYTHING.  So, we figured it wouldn't be a big deal to go ahead and move to Leesburg.  We didn't know how long we would be here and we might as well save money while we can. 

About a month and a half ago, he was promoted to a 'Floater' position.  Which is just a position where he travels to different branches that need the help.  We say that's a "promotion" because he makes more money and he is learning more through working at the different locations. 
The company's policy is that you must be a Floater for 3 months before you can become a 'Manager in Waiting'.  A Manager in Waiting is also a 3 months position, where by the end of the 3 months you are ready to run your own branch.  But God is bigger than company policy.  Within 5 months of being hired, he has bypassed the 3 months Floater and MIW positions, and is about to be running his own branch. 
Ben has read previous manager job postings that have come open through his work email and he said that in the posting it always says that you have to be in your current job position for at least 6 months to apply.  But when a Manager position came open in Lake City, Fl (which is the branch that Ben has been helping out for the past month) it didn't say that you have to have been in your position for at least 6 months.  It said to leave a brief explanation as to why you feel like you're qualified for this position.  Ben said that he has NEVER seen that before.  But he didn't think too much into it.  That day his boss showed him the manager's bonus for that branch and said to Ben, "just saying".  Ben didn't know what he was getting at and we still didn't think too much into it.  Well a few days later, Ben's boss sent him an email and asked if he was going to be putting in for that Lake City manager position.  So of course we talked about it and we figured if he was going to go around company policy and go out on a limb for Ben, then we might as well see what happens.  So he applied for the position and we began to pray pray pray.  We both agreed that we didn't care what happens...whether we stay here in Leesburg or move to Lake didn't matter.  We really just want to be in God's will and go where He wants us.  So that is what we prayed.  We prayed that if this wasn't the path that He has laid out for our family, that He would close the doors.  But if this is what He wanted, then to open the right doors and close the wrong ones.  Ben had his interview yesterday and his boss asked how he felt about living in Gainesville.  Ben told him that he didn't really have a preference of either Gainesville or Lake City.  When he called me and talked to me about it, we both said that we would probably prefer Gainesville over Lake City, but whatever God wants is what we want.  We continued to pay for God's will. 
Well this morning Ben was offerend the Gainesville branch.  The manager that ran that branch lives in Lake City and wanted to be closer to home, so that freed up the Gainesville branch. 

We know without a doubt that this is what God wants for us.  We have prayed and prayed about this.  We haven't even told our family or friends about the possibility because we didn't want other's opinions to influence ours.  We just wanted to be sure to stay in God's will. 
So yes, this is a huge change for our family!  We have to find a place to live, a new school for our kids, a new church for our family...but I know that it is all going to fall into place wonderfully. 
We will of course miss our church family and friends in Bushnell, we love you all so much!  It's times like these where facebook and blogs are a huge blessing...great way to keep in touch! 

Please keep our family in your prayers.  If you know me at all, you will know that I have a very nervous stomach...I have had butterflies all day!  Mostly because we want to be moved in time for the kids to start school on time in 3 weeks!  So we have a lot of work and changes ahead of us.  But I know it will be worth it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A duck out of water???

At church this past Sunday morning I was listening to my Pastor preaching his sermon and he said something that really stuck out.  It wasn't directly about his sermon topic, but just came up while speaking.  So naturally I started thinking about it and since my electricity is out due to it storming outside, I decided that I HAD to write a short blog posting...

I personally know a lot of people that feel like they don't need to go to church.  Either they feel like being a good person and saying a prayer every day is good enough.  Or they are just too busy to go to church on their day off...better things to do.
I used to believe that I didn't need to go to church to be a good Christian woman.  And I still don't think you HAVE to attend church in order to have Jesus in your heart.
But since I have had this hunger for more of Christ, He has been revealing things that I need to change in my life...
Doesn't it kind of go against who we are as Christians to not go to church?  I mean, if we are trying to be the people that God wants us to be then won't we WANT to be in church trying to grow and seeking after Him?  

My husbands often says, "I'd rather have never heard the name of Jesus, than to be a lukewarm Christian."
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." - Revelations 3:15-16
By purposely not going to church, you are not growing spiritually.  It is almost like an open invitation to allow sin to sneak its way back into your life.  How can that be pleasing God?  We as humans are weak.  We need that regular encouragement and reminders.  We need our "God fix".  
As men and women of God, we were created to serve Him and worship Him.  

Yes, you can watch church on TV and you can listen to worship music at home, but what better place to be than the house of God, to grow and experience His presence?  
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20

I've heard people say that they didn't need to go to church because they already know what the Pastor is speaking about and they can study the Bible in the comfort of their own home.  In my opinion, that's a selfish excuse.  We shouldn't go to church for ourselves, but for God...
"People are often motivated toward church attendance for how it will bless themselves, however we should remember that the primary purpose of the corporate gathering is to bring "service" to the Lord as a blessing to Him"  - Dr. Dale A. Robbins

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25

As children of God, we know the times that we are living in and how things are only going to get worse...we know what our future holds, we know what's promised in the Bible.  Why wouldn't we WANT to be in church??  

Now back to the statement that my Pastor made during his sermon...
"If you're a Christian, you will go to church.  
If you're a duck, where will you be?  In the water.
If you're a Christian, you will be in church." - Pastor Clarence Crane

It makes PERFECT sense!  

I found this interesting bit of information on ducks that are kept out of water...
"Ducks are waterfowl. They evolved to eat, swim, play, and clean themselves in water. But on factory farms, they never even see it, except dribbling out of a pipe from which they are to drink.
Without water, ducks are deprived of their natural habitat. Denied this fundamental requirement, they can’t preen properly and find it difficult to keep warm. Without water they may develop eye diseases that can result in blindness."
A duck can survive out of the water, but it isn't pleasant for them. 

"I will declare your name to my people;
   in the assembly I will praise you."- Psalm 22:22

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life's a Beach...

I remember when I was a little girl, my parents would take me and my brothers to the beach a LOT.  I think we stayed on the east coast for a vacation at least once every summer.  We always had a blast playing and swimming in the ocean.  We would jump over the waves and let them knock us over.  We would sit down and just wait for the waves to come up and knock us backwards.  We would laugh and play.  I remember some times even just floating under the water and allowing the waves to push and pull me around.  It was fun!  
We were fearless.  I don't remember for a second being scared of those powerful waves and currents.  I might have heard a little something about them, but never really thought about it.

Ben and I took the kids on a day trip last weekend, over to the east coast for the first time this year.  The kids are now at an age where they are fearless just like I was when I was little.
Until now they were always scared of the big waves crashing down.  But for the first time in their lives, they ran and jumped right into those waves!
They were jumping the waves and letting it knock them over. 

They were sitting and laying in the water like I did when I was little...just being kids, carefree, and having fun! 

It seemed it was the funnest time they had had at the beach so far...while I found it really difficult to relax and completely enjoy it.  I was a nervous wreck!  I couldn't keep my eyes off of them, just worried that something awful might happen.  Of course now that I'm an adult I know about all the dangers of rip currents and under toes.  It scares me to no end to think of what could happen if my kids were to lose their stepping or go under with a wave.  
It made me think back on when I was a child and not once can I remember being afraid, and how my parents must've been a nervous wreck watching us too.  I guess I always knew that my parents were there if I needed their help.  

I think the beach is a lot like life.  The waves can represent the tempting and sinful things in this world, trying to pull us under.  They are constantly present, there, threatening us. 

When we're kids we don't have any clue about the dangers that are out in the world.  It's not until we are older, maybe teenagers, until we really start to see first hand what can really have an impact on our lives.  That is why I am thankful that I had my parents, just like when I was at the beach, there to grab me in cause I lost my stepping or a wave pulled me under.  They kept me in church and on the right path.  I learned to stay away from those temptations and sinful things.  I learned what to do if I ever got caught in a rip current.  I learned to be careful because of under toes.

Before I had kids and would go on beach trips as a teenager or a young adult, I was well aware of the lurking dangers of the ocean.  I was careful, but still enjoyed my time in the water.  I had knowledge of it all and I also knew what to do in case something went wrong.  I had Jesus living in me, so I was still able to have fun, but just a little more cautiously.  Instead of my parents being there in case I lost my stepping, I had my God to guide me.

I might have gotten knocked down and a little disoriented by a wave or two, but because I knew what to do to get out of the danger, I never allowed the ocean to completely take me.

Now that I have kids of my own, it is my job to watch them carelessly enjoy the beach.  It is my job to keep them in church and on the right path.  As long as I am faithful in teaching them about God and how we are supposed to live our lives for Him, then one day when they are faced with the dangers of life, I will trust that they will apply that knowledge and handle it the way that we as Christians are supposed to.  They will get out of the rip currents and the under toes that this life throws at them because they will have Christ living in them.  We will raise our children to when they're older, carefully enjoy the beach AND to stay away from the dangers it imposes.  They too will have God to help and guide them when they are too old for Mommy and Daddy to always be there to pull them out of the danger.

 I'm thankful that I was raised and taught how to enjoy the beach and LIFE in a responsible way, (with Christ living in me) that will keep me and my family above the waves. 

Thanks Mom and Dad for not letting me get taken by the ocean when I was a little girl!

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's that simple...

I used to have index cards with specific Bible verses on them hanging on our walls and refrigerator.  I thought it was good to have little reminders for us here and there.  Not just for me and Ben but also for our kids.   Scriptures like...
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." - Proverbs 15:18
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6

We recently moved and during the move I threw out the index cards thinking that I would just make new ones with updated verses once we got settled at our new place.

I started thinking about it the other day and which verses would be good for my little family to have around. The scriptures that I had hanging before were all fine and wonderful, but I started to think about my kids and how they are reading now (except Aslyn, but she will be soon enough). 
Will they really understand those scriptures?  Then I realized that I needed to think of something else.  Something more simple for them to grasp.  So, I started doing some research and reading in my Bible.  What I found took me back to when I was a kid.  Remember way back in Children's Church being taught the fruits of the Spirit?  And then probably hearing about it through the years all the way through youth group?  Well, I do.  Who knew there was actually a very good reason for my teachers to teach so much about one subject...

It made sense to me to hang something with the fruits of the Spirit on it for my kids.  But when I was reading scripture and trying to find ideas online, I found that not only is this great for the kids but it's something that I need to remember more in my personal walk.  And I think maybe a lot of Christians need to go back to their childhood basics and really try to apply these simple guidelines to their every day lives.  I say 'basics', but now I realize that it is so much more and deeper than just that.  I was really amazed at how powerful the phrase, 'the fruits of the Spirit' really is.

"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." - Galatians 5:16-17

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance/patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." - Galatians 5:22-26

This is pretty simple to me...if we apply the fruits of the Spirit to our personalities, to our every day walk, then we will begin to be the people of God that we are called to be.  If we truly are living like we SHOULD be living, for Christ, with the Spirit, then we will have no desire to sin or be a part of sinful things.
I originally was thinking about hanging something like The 10 Commandments on my wall for the kids.  Which, don't get me wrong, they absolutely need to know them too.  But I really like the idea of teaching them good things to work towards, instead of the bad things to stay away from.
I think that if we teach them to strive to have these Godly characteristics then the rest will just be there.  As long as my kids are striving to bear these good fruits, then they will not bear bad fruit.  It's that simple.

"By their fruit you will recognize them.  Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?   Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." - Matthew 7:16-20

I know a lot of people exhibit the 9 different qualities that make the fruits of the Spirit.  There are plenty of decent people out there that don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that show love and patience, have joy, peace, are kind and faithful, gentle, and show self-control.  But the difference is Jesus.  His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control is perfect and like none other.  That is what we are supposed to bear as our fruit.  We are supposed to strive for the supernatural fruits that is Christ's own.  That is what sets us a part and that is what should be recognizable.  

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.  Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.  I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.  If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.  If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."  - John 15:1-8
I love this...this is so powerful to me. 
This explains exactly how we can achieve those supernatural fruits.  'No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.'  Of course it is not an easy task to have Godly love or patience, but if we ask Him for help and remain diligent, then we will see a change.  And once we begin to bear fruit, then we will bear even more fruit!
At the end of Galatians 5:22-26 Paul says, "Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."  There's a reason for that.  Let's be honest, we as Christians tend to look at each other and yes, judge each other.  Maybe not always, but we have all done it.
I came across this quote when I was researching online...
"Once we truly have the Love of God in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, we will understand. Until then, we are simply beating ourselves and others with the branches, rather than producing fruit."
I love that.
Lord knows that I'm not perfect, nobody is.  This is a never ending process.  But it's something that I think is forgotten all too easily.  If we follow this simple guideline and strive to bear these Christ-like fruits, then I think we will find that everything else will fall into place a lot more easily.  And instead of watching others, judging, and talking behind each other's backs, we need to uplift and encourage each other.  Pray for one another.  If we continue to talk about and judge others, then we will never 'bear good fruit'.

Something that started out with trying to find a way to teach my kids turned into me renewing very important life's lesson in amazing!  Now I know what to hang on my wall for MY WHOLE FAMILY.  It's that simple!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer, Faith, and Love...

This will probably be the longest blog that I will ever write.  This is the story of my family...

"You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."  ~Desmond Tutu

When I was 18 years old I had come to a point in my life where I was fed up.  I was away from God, living for myself and not for Him.  I grew up in church and had a great relationship with Christ, but a few years before, I had gotten hurt by the church that I was attending and was really confused about a whole mess of things...I will save that for a different post.  So I was doing my own thing, nothing terrible, just being a teenager...but acting like one who didn't know Jesus as her Lord and saviour. 

Like I said, I got fed up.  I knew that I was missing something.  I knew that I couldn't keep this lifestyle up.  So I made a decision in my bedroom one night to make a change.  I wanted to be close to my God again.  I missed Him.  I rededicated my life and that's really where my story begins...

Every night before I went to bed I would pray that God would lead me to where He wanted my life to go.  I prayed that He would bring the right people into my life that would help me stay on the right path.  Of course I was selfish and I prayed that He would bring a Godly man into my life.  I was sick of dating the wrong guys.  And since I still wasn't attending church it was difficult to come across good Christian guys.  
I prayed and cried out to God that He would send the man that He had made just for me.  Every night I asked God to bring me my future husband.  I know that probably sounds silly to some people, but it didn't to me at the time, and it still doesn't today.  

It wasn't long until my Mom started telling me about this guy that she knew from working at the pharmacy in Winn-Dixie.  She knew that he, at the time that she knew him, was a church going guy and just a "good kid".  I wasn't too interested but she took it upon herself to get his phone number and leave him a message to come see her at work.  Well he did, and to make a sort of long story short, we went on a blind date and soon fell madly in love.  His name is Ben...

You may or may not know that we were planning to get married in March of 2003, but I became pregnant with our first child...
We were young and stupid.  I can't say that I regret our choices because those choices gave us our first baby girl.  It ultimately led us to where we are today.
Ben and I cried in each other's arms over the choices that we made, even before we found out about me being pregnant.  We gave it to God and He forgave us.  

Any who, we obviously had to move the wedding up a few months.  

On October 19, 2002 I married my best friend, the man that I cried out to God for, the man that He made just for me! 

Our baby was due April 16, 2003.  We were so excited!  In January 2003 my blood pressure started to run high and I was starting to swell up like a balloon.  I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and put on bed rest.  My doctor set up a consultation with a Neonatologist, a high risk doctor, in Tampa on February 26th.  He did an ultrasound and looked over all of my other tests that my OB-GYN had previous ran.  He sent me over to the hospital and told me that our baby was very sick and they needed to deliver. 
I would have to have a c-section because she was breech.  So, I got all set up at the hospital with IV lines and all that fun stuff.  The doctor came in and told me that he wasn't going to do the surgery yet.  But if any little thing was to happen, then he would.  I wasn't going anywhere until the baby was born.  Later that night I got a head ache...something common when running high blood pressure.  The nurse gave me Tylenol-3.  After an hour or so my headache was getting worse.  I let the nurse know and she told me the doctor was on his way.  He came in and told me that we were going to go ahead and do the c-section and deliver the baby.  
While preforming the c-section they found that the baby had flipped herself and was not breech anymore and also had tied 2 "true knots" in the umbilical cord.  If I had not gotten that head ache, our baby girl probably would not be here today.  
She was born at 3lbs 3oz.  She was perfectly healthy, just needed to gain weight.  She stayed a month, to the day, in the NICU.  She had to be on a heart monitor until she was about 7 months old and we had to give her caffeine to keep her stimulated.  She came home on my birthday, March 27, 2003.  

She is now 8 years old and has the sweetest biggest heart.  She is so smart and so tender hearted.  I could not ask for a better child than Mikayla Denee'.  Mikayla, by the way, means 'gift from God'.  

In 2004 we were ready to have another baby.  Our next pregnancy was problem free.  We wanted a little boy.  I won't lie, I prayed for a little boy.  I even bought cute little socks with fire trucks on them.  I told Ben that it was an "act of faith".  :)
We had our little boy on July 6, 2005.  He was 7 lbs and 8 ounces.  We named him John Brayden, but we call him Brayden.  
He just turned 6 years old and is ALL boy.  He is FULL of personality and is so smart.  He keeps us laughing and on our toes.

In late 2006 we were again, ready to have another baby, our last baby.  We knew that we only wanted 3 kids. 
We got pregnant in January of 2007.  We were beyond excited of course.  In March I went for my first doctor's visit and found out that I had miscarried the baby.  We thought that I was 11 weeks along, but the baby had passed away at 9 weeks. 
Having a miscarriage was the hardest thing that I have ever went through in my life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I blamed God.  I couldn't get over the fact that He had given me a baby just to take it away.  We had already picked out names...for a girl, Caydence Mackenzie and for a boy, Parker Noah.  It was a very trying, difficult time for me.  It was difficult for Ben too, but his faith was stronger than mine at that time.  I will explain more about that in a few.

We decided after a lot of thought and discussion to try one more time for our 4th and final baby.  We agreed that if anything went wrong with this pregnancy, then we would not try again.  It was too hard to go through the ups and downs.  In August 2007 we became pregnant with our 4th baby.

We went right away to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy.  It was confirmed, but when they performed the ultrasound, they couldn't find the baby.  They sent me to the hospital for more tests and better ultrasounds.  The doctor told me that I had an 'ectopic (tubal) pregnancy'.  Which means that the baby had found its way into my fallopian tubes and had to be taken out or it could cause my tube to rupture and that could kill me.  I asked the doctor if he was sure.  He called the Radiologist and said that he and the Radiologist were 99.9% sure.  They scheduled the surgery for the next morning.
Of course we were devastated. 

I went home and got on my face on the floor, prayed and cried out to God.  I asked for Him to reverse it, I begged.  I knew that we wouldn't try again for another baby and I just didn't feel like our family was complete yet.  I told Ben that I didn't feel like the doctor was right.  I asked him, "What if he's wrong?  Then we are killing our baby?"  I couldn't get that out of my head...if the doctor was wrong, then my baby would be gone.  The next morning I asked the anesthesiologist before the surgery about the possibility of the doctor being wrong.  He sent in my ob-gyn, who wouldn't have came in before the surgery if I didn't have any questions.  I asked my doctor what would happen to my baby if they were wrong.  He said that there was no baby and they weren't wrong.  I started to cry and he told me that we could just try again for another baby.  I told him no, that we wouldn't be trying again. 
After the surgery was over Ben came in and told me that the doctor came out after the surgery and told him that he went in to look around and found a "viable pregnancy" (I'll never forget those words).  It looked to be healthy, so they got out quickly and didn't disturb anything.  I was still pregnant and my baby was right where it was supposed to be!

When I went in for a check up a few weeks later, the doctor came and put his arm around me and said that I was so upset and if I hadn't had showed so much concern then he wouldn't have taken so much caution.  He had scheduled to do a flush procedure first.  That would have ended my baby's life.

Aslyn Elyse was born on May 20, 2008 at 6 lbs and 11 ounces.  Perfectly healthy and perfectly beautiful.  She is 3 years old now and is our precious "baby girl". 
She is a miracle.  I believe that the doctors were right and she was in my fallopian tubes, but God reversed it because I asked Him to and because I was obedient.

Our family is complete.  And even though it hasn't been an easy road, I know that everything happens for a reason.  God wouldn't have just let us go through the heart ache and sadness just because He can. 
I could be wrong, but I think the reason that He allowed these things to happen to me was to build my faith. 

I mentioned earlier that Ben's faith was stronger than mine during the miscarriage.  It was.  He would constantly tell me, "everything happens for a reason.  We have to believe that God has a plan."  (Not just with the miscarriage, but with every day things.)  Of course I didn't want to hear that.  But look what happened with Aslyn.  I cried out to God.  I believe that He worked through me to save my baby's life.  I had to believe that He would make it ok and He did. 
Because of all these things that I went through I have stronger faith.  I believe that He has it all planned out and even though we are in pain at the time, in the end, "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  - Romans 8:28

I have been shown favor.  I don't think that I have always deserved it, but look at what He has done for me and my family.  Look at what He has given me.  Look at the miracles God has done for me and my family.  I am blessed.  I am so UNBELIEVABLY blessed. 

Ben and I have been married now for almost 9 years and have 3 beautiful kids here and one waiting for us in Heaven.  We attend the church that Ben has gone to most of his life.  We have amazing friends and family. 

Ben recently got fired from a job that he had since before we got married...a job that was too demanding on him and our family.  A job that I cried out to God about every night.  We wanted a change from that job but was scared because it had always paid the bills.  It was our comfort really.  God made that choice for us. 
Ben was fired 2 days after Christmas and was without work for 2 and a half months...which was much needed time together as a family.  We had no income, but every bill got paid without having to borrow money from anyone.  God provided.

He now has a job that is close to home.  He is off of work and home with us no later than 6pm every night and is off on weekends.  We have never had this before, never. 

It's another answer to prayer.  God is amazing and has never failed us. 
I have learned through the years that if we keep our faith and always believe that God will see us through any obstacle, then He will and so much more. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11