Monday, October 17, 2011

As for me and my house...(some Halloween truth)

I just want to start out by saying that I am NOT writing for any one specific person. 
I know a lot of people that take their kids out on Halloween to trick or treat, but do not have one specific person in mind when writing this.  
This is just a subject that I feel passionate about and wanted to share my thoughts.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord...and teach our children all truths about this world, including halloween.  This should be a no-brainer for Christians.   But unfortunately it is not.

- Celebrate: to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities
                     to make known publicly; proclaim
                     to observe a day or commemorate an event with ceremonies or festivities.
                     to perform a religious ceremony

I know a lot of people who say that they don't "celebrate" Halloween.  They dress their kids up in cute costumes and take them around a safe neighborhood to collect some candy.  They are not participating in anything evil and their intentions are good, so it's okay, right?  

Anton Lavey was the founder of the Church of Satan and the author of  'The Satanic Bible'.  Here is a quote of his out of 'The Satanic Bible'...
"After one's own Birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (6 months before Halloween) and Halloween."  

A quote from Tom Sanguinet, a former high priest in Wicca...
"The modern holiday that we call Halloween has its origins in the full moon closest to Nov. 1st, the witches new year.  It is a time when the spirits (demons) are supposed to be at their peak power and revisiting planet Earth.  Halloween is purely and absolutely evil, and there's nothing we ever have, or will do, to make it acceptable to the Lord Jesus."

Halloween was originally a deeply occultic pagan holiday and it remains so today.  It is a holiday that celebrates death and contacting the dead.  Nearly all of the "Halloween traditions" that are observed today have their roots in ancient pagan practices. 

In the Middle Ages, the Catholics tried to "Christianize" these practices, but the truth is that when you put a pig in a dress it is still a pig.

On Halloween night, once again this year there will be Satanic rituals held all over the world, there will be animal sacrifices to various "gods" and there will even be human sacrifices.

Halloween has always been one of the biggest days of the year for those involved in Wicca, witchcraft and Satanism.

Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should regard that day as special?

Origins of 'Treat or Treat':
To obtain sacrifices offered to spirits and the god of the dead, druid priests would go from house to house asking for fatted calves, black sheep, and human beings.  Those who gave were promised prosperity, and those who refused to give were threatened and cursed.  

Every time your child chants 'Trick of Treat', he/she is repeating an age old pagan festival.  He/she is partaking in an age old pagan festival of death.

Origins of 'Jack-o-Lantern':
They served as a signal to mark those farms and homes that supported the druids' religion and thus were seeking the "treat" when the terror of Halloween began.  
The World Book Encyclopedia says:
"The apparently harmless lighted pumpkin face of the Jack-o-lantern is an ancient symbol of a damned soul."

Dance of Death:
While people and animals were screaming in agony, being burnt to death, the druids and their followers would dress in costumes made of animal skins and heads.  They would dance and jump in the hopes of warding off the 'evil' spirits that were coming.  This is where wearing of costumes was originated. 

A woman by the name of Carol Kornacki practiced witchcraft for over 6 years.  She is now an Evangelical Christian.  Here is an excerpt from her blog:

"Halloween.  A nice innocent holiday celebrated by the masses?  I don't think so!  Everything about the holiday is death and darkness.

I practiced witchcraft for six years.  I can personally tell you that the night of October 31st was one of the highest celebrated of the year.  It is the night of "Samhein the god of the dead."  It is believed that on this night, Diana the goddess of fertility goes to sleep and the grim reaper, Samhein would awake.  He would summon the spirits of the nether world to come up and torment the farmers and the peasants that lived in Britain at the time. 

The Druids, a blood drinking priesthood would dress up in ghoulish costumes and roan the countryside threatening the villagers that, if they did not produce a virgin by midnight of the 31st they would cause havoc, the cows would not give their milk and the fields would not produce their crops.  (Hence, the costumes and the mantra "trick or treat" that our children utter as the collect their candies)  That night a carved squash would be placed on the front porch of the victim's home with a piece of human fat burning inside.  That's where we get our carved pumpkins.  A hexagram would be placed on the front door in blood.  During the night there would be fear in the hearts of the farmers. 

It is believed by those who practice witchcraft that, on Halloween night the veil between the living and the dead is thinner so spirit travel and necromancy, (communication with the dead) is practiced hardily.  Bone fires, (what we refer to as bonfires) were also big.  Humans would be burnt alive in wicker baskets offered to the god of the dead.  Apple dunking was considered divination.  Skeletons, black spiders, bats, ghosts, spirits, death, and horror are all part of the celebration of the "Night of Death"!

In modern times the holiday has changed little.  Let's look at it realistically.  First of all it is a known fact that animal shelters will do an early and complete lockdown because animals are stolen, usually found sacrificed.  The candy that our precious children collect will have to be closely investigated due to the tampering that goes on.  Razors, poison, and other evil goodies have been reported every year.  How pitiful!!  In some wooded area's blood will be found from some unfortunate victim.  It is a fact that it is a night of orgies.  You would be surprised how seriously those who practice Satanism view this night.  Come on folks let's be real.  Isn't there enough death and darkness in the world today?  

Aren't our precious children seeing enough?  Should those who are Christians be more protective of their loved one?  Shouldn't we find an alternative?  I HAVE SAID IT MORE THEN ONCE, I WILL GLADLY SAY IT AGAIN, YOU DON'T SEE WITCHES SHOWING UP ON CHRISTMAS TO CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF OUR WONDERFUL SAVIOR, SO WHY DO WE CELEBRATE THE NIGHT OF DEATH FOR THE GOD OF DEATH?"

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.

3 John 1:11
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

As Christians we should be living our lives with God on our minds at all times.  In everything we do, we should be asking ourselves if it is pleasing to Christ.  

*Can you actually with a clear mind after reading these things say that God doesn't mind???*

I know that a lot of Christians think it's okay because they don't participate in any of the evil aspects of this holiday, but the fact remains that the soul purpose in which this 'holiday' was created is to glorify Satan.  This day is the highest holiday to many Wiccans and Satanists still today and they still perform those same ancient satanic rituals.  So why as Christians, who follow and love Jesus Christ, want ANYTHING to do with this day?  

You can not redeem Halloween.  It is a day of celebration that comes from darkness and evil 4,000 years old.

I think a lot of people choose to take their kids trick or treating or participate in Halloween to some level, simply because they want to.  We need to start putting Christ first and thinking about what is pleasing to Him and not what is pleasing to us. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Life is good and only getting better...

Life is becoming pretty busy for us here in Gainesville.  But we can finally say, with all the craziness, we definitely feel like we are HOME! 

The kids are busy at school and church.  They love their school and have homework due every night instead of once a week like they did at their old school.  They are involved at church every Wednesday for the children's Christmas musical.  They are really excited about that.  They also have a lot of fun activities and get togethers coming up with their small groups in Children's church.  

Mikayla has a play that the 3rd grade class is going to be putting on at school.  She is a sheep in 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' and has a small speaking part.  She is also getting a pen pal from South Korea and is super excited about that. 
Brayden is doing sooo good in school and is looking forward to t-ball starting in the Spring.  He wants to join football and basketball too, but we don't want to put too much on his/our plates at once. 
Aslyn is enjoying Mommy time (for now) while the kids are at school.  We are trying to get her to try out the Toddler class at church, but so far she has not wanted to stay.  So she sits in with us, for now.  

Ben is doing really well at work and is starting to see positive changes at his branch. 
He just recently started playing bass full time on the worship team at our church on Sundays.  God really opened the doors for him to get involved right away.  The opportunity really just fell in his lap!  It is a huge answer to prayer because Ben was really worried that he wouldn't have the opportunity to be involved in music at a bigger church.  He is really loving it and enjoys being able to learn and be pushed to grow.  His playing has already improved so much in such a short amount of time. 

Ben and I are involved in a class every Wednesday that is for newcomers of the church.  It is basically a class that they offer for anyone who wants to learn more about the church and what they are all about.  Helps people to get more plugged into the church and everything they have to offer.  After we are done with that, then we will be joining a microchurch (small group) that meets once a week.  We are really excited about getting involved and seeing what God has in store for us.

I am currently working on a healthier me and through that, I have developed a new fondness for food and cooking.  Occasionally I will be posting some new yummy recipes that I try out.
My life also will become very busy in the next few months.  After a lot of prayer, discussion, research, prayer, thinking, and more prayer, we decided that I will be starting school in January.  I will be a full time student at Santa Fe College studying to get my Associates of Science degree in Health Services Management.  I'm super excited and one of the best parts is around the time I graduate, Aslyn will be starting kindergarten.  So I will be ready to either get out there and start a career or continue on to get my Bachelor's degree.  
I am still praying and searching for God to reveal to me that special way that I can serve Him better.

God is so good and our lives just seem to be falling nicely into place here in Gainesville!  Our Pastor told us in one of our Wednesday classes that they really just want people to feel like they belong there. 
That is exactly how Ben and I are starting to feel.  It's exciting for me because for so long I haven't felt like "I belong", and now, in such a short period of time that is changing.
Life is good and only getting better.

Take delight in the LORD,
   and he will give you the desires of your heart. ~ Psalm 37:4

So much has changed for us this year, but the biggest change has been our walk with Christ.  Our faith has grown tremendously, our focus has changed, our priorities.  We have grown so much.  God has done and is still doing a work in this family and it's amazing what happens when we allow Him to. 
I have said it before and I will continue to say it, because I think there are so many people that need to grasp it...
It is so incredible what happens when we pray for God's will to be done in our lives, but actually truly mean it