Thursday, August 25, 2011


We have been at our new home in Gainesville for a little over a week now and have been so busy!
School started on Monday, so I have been running around trying to get the kids ready for that.  We have had a painter painting in our house for a week, not to mention other issues that have needed attention.  I haven't really had a minute to sit down and write.
So far we are really enjoying our new home.  We haven't really had the time yet to go out and explore the city too much.  But we are in a very nice area (away from the hustle and bustle of the college life) and the kids LOVE their new school...which has been one of my biggest fears!  Mikayla has been so nervous about starting a new school and that has made me nervous for her.  But both her and Brayden love their teachers and the school.  Thank you Lord!

We are going to be trying out a church this Sunday morning that we have heard a lot of great things about.  I am super excited!  But I have had a bit of a fear when it comes to finding a new church.  The church that we are coming from is so blessed with a lot of very gifted musicians...the worship there is awesome.  Worship is so very important to me and I know with Ben being a musician, it is very important to him too.  I have been worried that we won't find a church that has as good of worship that we have been so used to.

A few weeks ago we visited Ben's parent's church for the first time.  It is a small church...a work in progress.  There isn't a "worship team" there yet.  Instead they worship to music from a CD with one woman that sings on stage.  I have to admit, I had a very hard time getting into it.  I didn't even sing at first, even though I knew the songs.  Then I looked down at my 8 year old daughter.  She was singing her little heart out.  She looked up at me and gave me the biggest smile.  I immediately felt convicted.  My little girl was singing and worshiping our Lord, while her mother just stood there.  I then started singing right away and soon found that it wasn't that difficult for me after all.

After the service when we were in the car driving, Ben and I began talking about the service.  Ben said that he felt the same way that I did about having a hard time getting into the worship at first.  He felt convicted as well.  He said that he felt like he was putting conditions on his worship.  He told me that we should never have conditions on our worship.  We should be able to worship Christ anytime and in any situation!  How true.  We both agreed that we really need to remember that when we are looking for our new church.  It's amazing how God works and uses situations to teach us things.

 "Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to
discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our
richest and most wholesome experience in life." -
Graham Kendrick

On a side note...
I have to say that I got pretty emotional on our last Sunday at Bushnell Assembly of God.  I wasn't expecting to at all!  Our Pastor said some really nice things about us and our move.  But it wasn't until after church was over and we were driving home when it hit me.  I was posting a little thank you to Pastor Crane and Merit on facebook and just started crying.  I realized just how important these amazing people are to me and my family.  Pastor and Merit have been there for us since we were dating.  They did our marriage counseling.  Pastor C. married us and Merit was my stand in wedding coordinator.  They were there for all 3 of our baby's births.  Pastor went to Tampa to see my Dad when he had open heart surgery and prayed with him, even though my parents didn't go to our church.  We have always been able to call or email them for advice or encouragement.  We could not have asked for a better Pastor, mentor, counselor, and friend.  They have really been a part of our family and that is what made me get so emotional last Sunday.  We have been so blessed to have them in our lives.  But the best thing about them is that we know, even though we won't be going to their church anymore...we can still call or email if we ever need anything and they will be there for us!  Thank you Pastor Crane and Merit, we love you!

Okay, so now that I'm done with all the mushy stuff.  I hope to be writing again soon about our new town and adding some pictures!  Until then, please continue to keep us in your prayers as we still have a lot of adjustments and of course our search for our new church.  Thanks!

PS.  To get an email notification whenever I post a new blog, just click on the 'Join this Site' button to the right. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Reminder...

I don't have a whole lot to talk about this week.  We have been really busy looking for a house and getting everything in order for our move.  But I was thinking about this song that I really like and how powerful it spoke to me the first time I heard it several months ago.  I looked it up online and watched a video on the story that led to Phil Wickham writing this song.  The link to that video is here...

I believe that if we all get to that place and realize just how much we need God and really put all of our faith in Him...we would really see just how faithful He is.  I feel like that's what I have been through recently.

I have always loved Matthew 28:16-20, especially the very last part, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  It's one of the last promises that Jesus made while on this Earth.  (Hence, why I got my tattoo.)  This scripture always reminds me that no matter what, He is with me.  Even though we can't see Him or touch Him, He is with us...always.  Some times it's hard to remember that.  When we are going through trying times we start to doubt, but I have learned recently that if we remain faithful and truly give everything to God, then He will show up and in a big way.  Here is a better quality version of the song...hope you enjoy!  I should have much more to share next week after we are moved and getting settled. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let go and let God...

What a crazy year this has been!!  After moving (twice in two weeks) from our beloved small town to save money and be closer to Ben's job in Leesburg, we are once again going to be moving!  We have known for a few weeks that moving was a possibility, but we didn't know if or where, let alone in 2 months...until this morning when Ben was offered a Branch Manager position in Gainesville. 

I have talked about Ben losing his job 2 days after Christmas last year.  We knew that our lives were going to be changing, we just didn't know exactly how much change was in store for us.  We experienced a huge shift in us and our walk with God when Ben was out of work for almost 4 months.  It wasn't chaotic or a desperate time for us.  It was actually the opposite.  We had peace.  We gave it to God and just enjoyed our time together as a family.  We 'let go and let God'.  Of course Ben put in TONS of applications everywhere, but we didn't stress over it because we knew that God had a plan.  Finally after almost 4 months and about 50 applications, Ben got a job offer with Sunbelt Credit.  The pay was definitely less than what he was making before, but the hours are what we were really looking at.  We knew the moment that Ben was let go from RAC that we did NOT want to be back to him working 60+ hours a week!  So when offered the job with 42 hours a week, off no later than 6pm!  Yes, we'll take it!  Not only were the hours ideal, but they offered great benefits and great opportunity for advancement.  We prayed about it of course and since it was a little too coincidental that out of the many many job applications that he put in for, this was the one and ONLY call that he received.  We took that as a sign from God that this is where He wanted Ben.
Ben has been working with Sunbelt Credit for just shy of 5 months.  His boss wanted to hire him as a Manager in Waiting but since he was 'fired' from RAC they could only hire him in as an Assistant.
Ben's boss was very impressed with him and told him that if he proved himself to be what his past experience showed him to be, then he would move up very quickly.  So we knew when we moved to Leesburg, that it would only be temporary.  We knew that it wouldn't be long until Ben would move up in the company and become a manager.  We also knew that would mean a move for us.  Because when a branch comes open in the company, it is usually not close by.  But a positive to us having to move is that the company pays for EVERYTHING.  So, we figured it wouldn't be a big deal to go ahead and move to Leesburg.  We didn't know how long we would be here and we might as well save money while we can. 

About a month and a half ago, he was promoted to a 'Floater' position.  Which is just a position where he travels to different branches that need the help.  We say that's a "promotion" because he makes more money and he is learning more through working at the different locations. 
The company's policy is that you must be a Floater for 3 months before you can become a 'Manager in Waiting'.  A Manager in Waiting is also a 3 months position, where by the end of the 3 months you are ready to run your own branch.  But God is bigger than company policy.  Within 5 months of being hired, he has bypassed the 3 months Floater and MIW positions, and is about to be running his own branch. 
Ben has read previous manager job postings that have come open through his work email and he said that in the posting it always says that you have to be in your current job position for at least 6 months to apply.  But when a Manager position came open in Lake City, Fl (which is the branch that Ben has been helping out for the past month) it didn't say that you have to have been in your position for at least 6 months.  It said to leave a brief explanation as to why you feel like you're qualified for this position.  Ben said that he has NEVER seen that before.  But he didn't think too much into it.  That day his boss showed him the manager's bonus for that branch and said to Ben, "just saying".  Ben didn't know what he was getting at and we still didn't think too much into it.  Well a few days later, Ben's boss sent him an email and asked if he was going to be putting in for that Lake City manager position.  So of course we talked about it and we figured if he was going to go around company policy and go out on a limb for Ben, then we might as well see what happens.  So he applied for the position and we began to pray pray pray.  We both agreed that we didn't care what happens...whether we stay here in Leesburg or move to Lake didn't matter.  We really just want to be in God's will and go where He wants us.  So that is what we prayed.  We prayed that if this wasn't the path that He has laid out for our family, that He would close the doors.  But if this is what He wanted, then to open the right doors and close the wrong ones.  Ben had his interview yesterday and his boss asked how he felt about living in Gainesville.  Ben told him that he didn't really have a preference of either Gainesville or Lake City.  When he called me and talked to me about it, we both said that we would probably prefer Gainesville over Lake City, but whatever God wants is what we want.  We continued to pay for God's will. 
Well this morning Ben was offerend the Gainesville branch.  The manager that ran that branch lives in Lake City and wanted to be closer to home, so that freed up the Gainesville branch. 

We know without a doubt that this is what God wants for us.  We have prayed and prayed about this.  We haven't even told our family or friends about the possibility because we didn't want other's opinions to influence ours.  We just wanted to be sure to stay in God's will. 
So yes, this is a huge change for our family!  We have to find a place to live, a new school for our kids, a new church for our family...but I know that it is all going to fall into place wonderfully. 
We will of course miss our church family and friends in Bushnell, we love you all so much!  It's times like these where facebook and blogs are a huge blessing...great way to keep in touch! 

Please keep our family in your prayers.  If you know me at all, you will know that I have a very nervous stomach...I have had butterflies all day!  Mostly because we want to be moved in time for the kids to start school on time in 3 weeks!  So we have a lot of work and changes ahead of us.  But I know it will be worth it!